Stage for Sprinters

19 februari 2017 - Leiden, Nederland


Well, that's an unusual combination, to say the least...

19-2-2017 Was a stage for the fast men...

From Chiang Rai to Mae Sai, was not only a done in a curse and a sigh (Dutch saying), it was also a bit of a bore on top of that.

Long stretches of endless highway, and traffic speeding by like there was no tomorrow. Weather, well there's nothing else to report about, was excellent.

Oh yes, one thing! Straight from the start up on the 'Golden Chiang Rai Bridge' I caught up a bunch of recreational cyclists on expensive mountain bikes. You should have seen the look in their eyes when I overtook each and everyone of them. They were struggling for air and peddling on very small gears. I'd liked to know what they were thinking when I slow boated them by...

I think it was some sort of race they were doing,'cause they all had numbers pinned to their shirts and there were a bunch of vehicles following those brave crusaders on their aluminium horses. A photographer on a moped took my picture. So, check those local media out peoples!

Further more some pics of my hard day's work:


Spending the night in this dumb... (joking) and then it's Myanmar tomorrow.

One more Chang to go!! Cheers!


14 Reacties

  1. Huub Munstege:
    19 februari 2017
    Kan het me goed voorstellen. Zo heb ik een keer tussen Bodegraven en Alphen op mijn boodschappenfiets met volle tassen aangepikt bij professioneel ogende trimmers op racefietsen. Mijn sportieve inborst dwong me om ook een deel van het kopwerk te doen. Toen er niet meer werd overgenomen, keek ik om en zag ze in de verte in de berm een pauze inlassen...
  2. Auteur:
    19 februari 2017
    Hahaha! Geweldig!
  3. Kc:
    19 februari 2017
    This race was an act of the real "Snokmaster"
  4. Auteur:
    19 februari 2017
    Yeah, pitty though they made a left where I had to go straight..
  5. Philip van Driesten:
    19 februari 2017
    I can understand this feeling very well. Thai's on expensive bicycles and in full tenue but almost can not move. This happened every Sunday in Chiang Mai. 200 people on the bike with police escort. But for me never again in group like that. Better go alone and go my own way, I prefer more than old fancy thais on expensive bikes. Not my case. Hi Paul, have a great trip through Myanmar.
  6. Auteur:
    19 februari 2017
    Thanks Philip! Yeah those Thai on their bikes really cracked me up.
  7. Ab Glasbergen:
    19 februari 2017
    Gaat lekker Paul
  8. Henny:
    19 februari 2017
    Haha zie het helemaal voor me. Zo'n malloot op een bakfiets die ze het snot voor de ogen rijdt.
  9. Huub Munstege:
    19 februari 2017
    For sure they will find excuses, like:
    "that must be mecanical dope; you saw that big yellow battery package?"
  10. Jorgen:
    19 februari 2017
    En net op dat moment stond je GoPro niet aan... Pics or it didn't happen.
  11. Choosak Somsri:
    20 februari 2017
    Great to saw your update journey whole ways in Thailand and I hope that you will get well experience in every country with our network's colleague. Cheer...
  12. Geurt:
    23 februari 2017
    Hé mafkees goed bezig!!!!.
    (krijg net het mooie filmpje van Marcel)
    Goeie reis.....
  13. Auteur:
    23 februari 2017
  14. Liliana Borella:
    23 februari 2017
    Nice Myanmar i have been there